How is Freedom! help you grow?


New User
Freedom! Member
Hi everyone,

I must start with saying that I'm not a big content creator and I do not expect too much from a network but I have to ask you guys or even the Freedom! Network staff this question:
How is Freedom! helping me to grow as a youtuber?
What are the first steps that I should follow in order for me to increase my audience and how is Freedom! supporting this?


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Connecting with people to collaborate with is key for growth also use social media to your advantage but most of all never give up


New User
Freedom! Member
I'm spamming the facebook groups with my videos, I also post on instagram when I upload a video.
And connecting with people to collaborate is hard because no one that is "bigger" than you wants to help out.


Rising User
Freedom! Member
I'm spamming the facebook groups with my videos, I also post on instagram when I upload a video.
And connecting with people to collaborate is hard because no one that is "bigger" than you wants to help out.
Do it in reverse collab with people who are smaller than you treat it like pennies in a jar also spamming facebook groups isnt efficient