How gaming works!

Louisse Subido

Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
Sep 25, 2017

Sad but true, specially in MMORPG​


Freedom! Member

Sad but true, specially in MMORPG​
This is why I like to say that technically, as a free-to-play player of Star Wars: The Old Republic, I beat the game by reaching who I think is the final boss. But you apparently can't actually beat the game unless you subscribe, because the boss I'm referring to did 3 times more damage than how much health I actually had at that point. And I was at the highest level the game would allow me to reach (Level 50), and had the best armor and stuff I could get. But I could never beat him, so technically, I beat the game as a free-to-play player just by getting to him. I don't care what anyone else says. I don't care if you have to beat the boss to beat the game. I can't afford this "pay-to-win" crap, so there.

Knotty Stripes

Rising User
Apr 21, 2018
This is so true can't we just live in a mmo or rpg where level doesn't matter and all you need is skill......:D:D yeah no that's impossible lol then it wouldn't make sense, but in all seriousness besides having the power to buy power why can't you just buy cosmetics so you can have a bit more swagger than others or you can buy like a bundle of health or mana potions so you can have a leg up in that way so a new player with cash doesn't die 20 trillion times because he is used to buying power (facepalm) it makes people git gud or quit.... idk less bull the better right(y) (Y)