
Respected User
Freedom! Member
Jun 23, 2016
Welcome to the thread,

Most of you are having a difficult time when it comes to gaining the views for your videos, some of you find it difficult, some of you find it easier...

Here is 2 screenshots of what I mean:

As you can see, these two videos has well over 5-10 views (which is what I casually get, sometimes lower than five, this is not held countable when I stream via PS4), these views are paid via adwords, and I encourage you to use the service, this is only and appropriate way to gain views, also my videos are mostly in-stream videos (I stream my videos on another video) which by terms of service of YouTube isn't against to ToS (anyone can provide me wrong) but since it's an option in Adwords, I see no wrong doing, and this also means that I am not going to another channel, post my link into the comments and ask people to view/like/comment/subscribe to my channel because it's against terms of service and illegal, can be banned for on youtube since in theory you're spamming other channel videos with it, which I highly discourage you to do, or you will face the consequences, and don't hold me accountable for your actions.

This is to help you out if you're willing to pay for it, here is something you don't know; adwords also calculates for you how much it'd cost you to get x (x=amount of views you will get) for said price, I would get about 10k+ views with 150 euros

This is not paid advertisement/endroesment, I am making this thread to help you guys out.