Gaming Hiya! I'm new here!

The Guillotine

New User
Feb 1, 2016
So, I have been on YT for 6 years, and around 6 months ago, I started doing YouTube gameplay using Minecraft. Since then, I have just loved recording. Recently, I have been focused on playing other games, but Minecraft is still my focus. I wanna make YouTube a job like thing, but I have no freaking idea how, so I am just doing it as a hobby. I decided that it'd be best to expand my channel by reaching out to others, and becoming more professional. I am only 14, so there isn't much I can do, but I try to appeal. So I thought the best way to appeal was to join a network. Ironically, the same day, I discovered a channel called Ziovo. And after that, I knew this network had to be the one to work.

Wow, that was a lot... But yeah. I'm The Guillotine // IkatsunagiTG if you ever wanna find me on YouTube, but you can call me Katsu btw.


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Nov 11, 2015
York, Pennsylvania
Hey welcome to the Freedom Family, My name is Izaak and I own First Order Entertainment's Hub channel.

Here is a little tip for the forums. As to make it easier for people to find your channel follow this form HERE in order to add a subscribe button like I have on the bottom of my post.

Also if you would like, you can always look for channels like First Order Entertainment which is a hub channel to present your content in which FOE will review if you send to us and may post up for you in order to help you get more subscribers. The end of the videos will always link to the creator's channel.