Gaming HighFlying


New User
May 28, 2016
Hello there my name is HighFlying aka Anthony
I was born in Northern Ireland but grew up and still live in London.
I have just turned 18!
My friend Itsapizzagram recommended me freedom :D
I joined the forums when I heard there was chicken!
I love to play football (soccer) and I am part of the Royal Marine Cadets, an organization training me up to become a soldier and fight for my country!
My favorite food it CHICKEN!
It was a suggestion from a friend because I commentate in his videos with him!
To maybe reach 1k subs and when I am older join the army!
I run a minecraft pvp channel which I enjoy running a lot!
I upload atleast once a week but try to get 3-4 vids out a week!
I am looking for other people that pvp to record some minecraft with!
Hopefully I will see you around on my channel soon <3
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