
New User
Feb 10, 2016
Your name: Faye lee Darkclaw
(Optional) Where are you from?: Midwest USA
(Optional) How old are you?: 32
How did you find Freedom!? Dramalert
What made you join our forums?: talk to people
What are your hobbies?: Gaming, Rping, Cosplaying, Anime, youtube ect..
What is your favorite food? Japanese food
Why did you start YouTube? I started on my first channel to show videos from the anime cons i go to and music videos i do. Then after watching Markliper and CaptainSparklz i decide to make a gaming videos
(Optional)What is your biggest dream? To make a youtube thats enterntaining and people enjoy watching
What kind of channel do you run?: FayeleeDarkclaw (Anime and day to day vlogs) and Fatkidsgamers (gaming, Omegle pranks, count downs, cosplay stuff
When do you upload?: all the time
Channel link:
