Community Hi my name is Cybernex02 (Hunter)


Rising User
Feb 5, 2016
My computer
Hi, I am a new person to YouTube and I really love to help people. My name is Hunter (I am a male, and I am 13 years old) I just started YouTube and I want to grow to help people that are having a bad day, and cheer them up, I also want to try my best on YouTube and have fun with it and not be stuck up and feel like I have to do this or that to make people happy.

The reason I even wanted to do YouTube is thanks to many great youtubers that go by Ethoslab, SkyDoesMinecraft, and many others. For the longest time I wanted to come home and know that I possibly helped somebody get over a bad day and helped them laugh and smile again. I don't have a very inspirational background like most people do, but I am determined to try my best and commit my blood, sweat and tears to my job, and I refuse to give up against the odds!

Thank you for listening and if you are interested in what I do go to my YouTube channel

Thank you for your time

P.S. feel free to ask me anything you want to, I am always there to give support!
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Rising User
Feb 5, 2016
My computer
Thank you all to the people who have started to show support to me thus far, I may not be the most active person on the forums, but this place is still a friendly place for people to come to for motivation!


Renowned User
Freedom! Member
Dec 13, 2015
Keep at it, keep consistent, and keep producing good content people will keep coming back for.

Other things to consider, social media platforms (twitter, facebook, instagram, google + are the main), channel descriptions, and channel keywords. Good banners and thumbnails, catchy titles for the videos.

That's the best answer I can come up with at the minute :).