Community Hi I'm jordancpsmith


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Feb 2, 2016
Hi all I am jordancpsmith or otherwise known to many as Jordan :) I am from the good old sunny UK lol and at a ripe old age of 21. I found out about Freedom! partly through the creation of my own Facebook group to help others healthily and organically grow. I have joined the forums because if I am part of the freedom! network then why not - plus I feel it is a good idea to connect with others :)

I have a few hobbies myself, somewhat rather different if I am honest, one being app development and the other being theme parks. I don't think I could choose a favourite food if I am honest - what if I have to eat just that for the rest of my life? I started Youtube to boost my confidence and I feel compared to my first video it is actually working :) - My biggest is being rich - lol joke, I would quite like to move to America :)

I upload mainly Vlogs however I do some unboxings and a couple of other series to such as throwback Thursday. My regular days for uploading are Tuesdays and Thursdays as these correspond with my series - however I try to sneak other videos in when I can :)

My channel is: