Entertainment Hi, I'm Epic. But you can call me Richard


Rising User
Apr 25, 2014
Hello everyone, my name is Epic, or Richard. Which ever one you want to use is fine. I am from the United States, the Eastern side. I am 16 years old, I found freedom around 1 year ago but haven't made a proper intro on the forums. I joined the forums to introduce myself and find people to make videos with. I currently make videos on working out, gaming, and covers. I started youtube several years ago, back in like 2009. Epic Cause is not my first channel, it started out being SuperSnapplePop and then EpicCause, and now Epic Cause. I started youtube because I saw KYR_SP33DY making videos and he inspired me to attempt to make funny videos, but I fell of the grind of making videos and it saddens me each day because I remember why I started, to entertain people and now I realized that I need to step up my game. So this year I will be posting more videos than I ever have in 1 year. My biggest dream was to make videos and stream for a living, I changed my path to becoming a Computer Hardware Engineer. Although if eventually my channel blows up I will pursue the youtube dream. I plan on uploading hopefully 3 to 4 videos a week now and possibly daily in the future. I also plan on streaming on youtube every Sunday and Wednesday! If you found my story interesting and would like to go see what my channel is all about, you can go check out my channel at https://www.youtube.com/user/EpicCauseGaming I thank anyone who goes to check it out, it means a lot. Even if you don't subscribe, and just click the link. It still means the world to me.


Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
Jan 8, 2015
Hello, friend.
Welcome to the Freedom! forums.
If there is anything I can help you with, please ask!
Me and Prology, and TwilightPrinze are very active here on the forums, so you can ask us almost anything.
If you need advice on thumbnails or how to grow an audience, I can help.
Keep up this hard work - you can do anything you set your mind to.

All the best. : 3