Gaming Hi Freedom! (Looking for Feedback)


Active Member
Freedom! Member
May 29, 2016
Hey Freedom! users!!
I made a gaming channel last year. The main reason for this was due to the stress that college was giving me and I found making and editing videos was a great way to relieve this stress. The main problem is that I am not really growing. I know one of the reasons for this is due to my infrequent uploads, but I am in final exams year and there has been quite a heavy workload... :/
The main problem that I find is the lack of feedback I receive. I have seen a little bit of growth in the last month, but I have had no comments from viewers telling me what is good about my content (or what is bad). What I would really appreciate is if people check out my channel and give me a bit of feedback on what I have done well so far. Again I know my uploads have been infrequent but as soon as I finish exams (28th June) I will tackle that problem and upload more frequently.
Please check out my channel and give a bit of feedback either here or in the comments :)
It would be much appreciated.


Legendary User
Freedom! Member
Jun 14, 2015
Hey TeraByte, Welcome to Freedom !

I can agree that amking videos and editing does relieve stress ! Best of luck with your channel and Have a great day !