Gaming Hi all, Ozmodion checking in for the first time!!


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Feb 12, 2016
Hi all,

I have just signed up to Freedom and am still awaiting confirmation that I have been accepted.

I run a gaming channel where I do LP's of all sorts of games from Horror to Platforms. I started my channel on 14 Sep 15, after my son pestered me to do it. To be honest I had kept putting it off because I was lazy and just wanted to play. I wish I had started years ago when I first thought about it and my son introduced me to Youtube, but there you go, if I did it back then I might of been bigger now.

I'm living in England and always have been, I love playing games and have been playing since I was knee high to a grass hopper. I started playing on the old Atari Vic 20, (pacman, space invaders, defender, asteroids etc)..Now I use my kick ass PC. I went through the Xbox phase, in fact I had 4 of them all inked up playing Forza on 4 screens. Looked awesome, but soon discovered that I could only play this way on this single game, so went out and bought a PC and I play on a triple screen set-up ever since. You will never go back to 1 monitor after experiencing eyefinity on 3 x 32" monitors.

Well that's enough about me for the time being. But if you want to check out my channel then have a look here:

If you want to know more about me then please comment below.....oops sounds like im recording a video lol.

peace everyone,

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Respected User
Freedom! Member
Nov 13, 2015
Hey Oz!

Your channel is totally my kind of videos! I love horror games *__*

And I loooove your accent <3 I'd like to be able to speak with your accent xD

The mic of your headset is pretty good! I would not recommend a desk mic, if you play horror game you could make it fall :/ I don't know how it's called in english, but you can find something who holds your microphone (it cost around 20CA$ something like that). I think it's called a stand but not sure :$

Anyway... Welome here! I hope to see you soon on the chatbox :D and if you have any question just ask!


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Feb 12, 2016
Thanks Machi,

Sometimes i think my accent gets the better of me, its quite powerful and im still learning how to tame it lol.

I watched your Battlefront video, you have a unique voice too, first off i thought you was a 12 year old boy, i had to go back to your profile to check, sorry. but the video was very entertaining.