VLOG Hi all, new to Freedom and Youtube.

Pa Vue

New User
Jan 9, 2017
Your name/alias: Pa13442226_1560935930874907_2588800955990727262_n.jpg
Where are you from?: Akron, Oh
How old are you?: 29
How did you find Freedom!? Youtube videos
What made you join our forums?: help with promoting my channel
What are your hobbies?: I enjoy playing with my babies and making videos of them and sharing with friends. I also enjoy volleyball.
What is your favorite food? Crab ragoon
Why did you start YouTube? I wanted to share cute videos of my babies with the world.
What is your biggest dream? To one day buy a big house.
What kind of channel do you run?: A channel of videos about my two babies.
How frequently do you upload?: I am very new to youtube and I hope to upload daily because I constantly upload videos of my babies to Facebook anyway.

I feel that my channel stands out because there are not many Asian family/baby TV or VLOGS on youtube and on top of that I may be bias but my babies are beautiful, smart, and eye catching.