Entertainment Heyy It's Anna

Anna Lenkovska

New User
Dec 6, 2015
My name is Anna and I'm 13 years old. I was born in Latvia, I speak Russian but I live in Ireland. Yes.... I know, it's confusing. My hobbies are just filming videos and having loads of fun while doing that )))). My biggest dream is to become big on YouTube and travel the world. I started YouTube because I always looked up to YouTubers like Zoella and Pointlessblog and wanted to do what theyare currently doing. It seemed like so much food.
I am IN LOVE with burgers. Any burgers. Just. Burgers.
My channel is kind of like entertainment but I want to start filming some beauty videos soon. I try to upload every Tuesday.
My channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJZrgdE18ZCUKRBNEqeoOjA

Epic Mala

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Dec 6, 2015
United States
Welcome to The Freedom Family, Hey; You know don't give up on what you are striving for. You go ahead and reach your goal. Some day you will become a big youtuber. You just have to remember to never give up on what you want to do. That is what life is all about. YOU DO WHAT YOU WANT TO DO.

Epic Mala