New User
Feb 12, 2016
Toledo Ohio, USA
Heyo Freedom!

My name is Nathan and I love video games and I'll admit, I'm an all around nerd. I live in Toledo, USA and I am currently a student at the University of Toledo. I am Attempting to get my degree in Mechanical Engineering and General Business. Only 4 more years to go!

My hope is that by the time I get out of college I will have built a stable and loyal audience on YouTube and possibly move to it as a career. I play any games that make me happy or laugh, I figure if i have a great time playing, then others might a have a great time watching! I regularly play with a few other channels and a few close friends and I also do a balanced amount of solo content. I recently hit 140 subs and decided after 5 months of doing this and proving to myself I was serious, it was time to join a network. So here I am. Welcome to Freedom right haha.

I first discovered the magic of YouTube when a friend of mine introduced me to The Creatures. A small group of BIG YouTubers who game, and share all their shenanigans with the world. I instantly fell in love with how much fun they had and the way the took something like video games and built something amazing. Ever since then I wanted to someday do the same. Make people laugh and inspire them to look beyond the obvious. Who would have ever thought that video games can do make you something? All of our lives were told they cant and now, right in front of all of us they really can make your dreams real. That's what I want. To do something unlike others, to be original, to make people laugh, and above all, I want to do something different with my life than everyone else.


Respected User
May 8, 2014
United States
Welcome to the Freedom Forums man! I wish you the best of luck on your channel and hope that Freedom can give you everything you want. I'll be sure to check out your channel and I hope you're willing to return the favor!