Gaming Hey I'm the NotSoMlgArab!


New User
Jul 24, 2016
Hey what's going on guys? I'm a new YouTuber who has a dream to grow big on YouTube at first i thought it was so easy to gain subs but when i started my channel a week ago it was hard for me to gain views and subs and the thing is that all my subs are my family members. My family keep on saying to stop doing that you will not gain any subs i'm not supported by my family but i kept on going i know that Arabs will not get many subs but i will keep on going i will not give this up it's my dream to become big on YouTube.
Thanks for reading,


Rising User
Welcome to the Freedom Family! :) And yes as I'm sure all YouTubers must agree gaining subscribers is not as easy as most people make it look, just keep pushing on, and don't let your family discourage you! If you say you're going to be big on YouTube, and you dedicate a whole lot of time and hard work into YouTube, then you will become big on YouTube! Nothing is impossible unless you fail to try, so keep on pushing and don't give up! :) I wish you the best of luck buddy!