Gaming Hey! I have just created my gaming channel and would like to see your guys feedback on my channel!


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Welcome to Freedom hope you enjoy your time here ! your channel art was made really good so good job on that and your cometary video on black ops 1 was entertaining as well ! your off to a good start so good luck in the future man and hope you gain many subs ! to help you out iv subbed to your channel so cant wait to see what you come up with next :)


New User
Love your channel name and also keep it up, you have a great channel.

Consider me a ultakitten Fan.


Ambitious Entertainer
Freedom! Member
Welcome To Freedom! :D

well , i really think that your channel went off with a good start because you have arranged it well although you don't have many videos , so that is really great to see that you are ready to put some hard work on t=your channel for it to be great , and also you have some great commentary right there , i mean you are confident and energetic , and that's the best types of commentaries and most engaging , but let me tell you one thing about the thumbnails because they appear on the search results , you want to stand out between all of the other videos , so you got to make them appealing , and if you want to do so , i really recommend you to go to DaFonts for some great fonts to add on all your graphics on this channel , and also you got to develop your Photoshop or any program that you can work with because it will make your life easy , or else you should ask somebody to do some thumbnails for you! :D. Also , in the future because you just started that's why i am saying in the future , consider upgrading your audio with a great mic or a good mic like the Blue Snowball for a start , or else you can try to work on your current audio by editing it with an audio editing software like Audacity which is really reliable in that manner! , and if you don't know how to use it then just search that on YouTube!



Legendary User
Freedom! Member
Hey , welcome to Freedom , I hope you enjoy your stay and if you need any help just ask