Help From Anime Fans - Chibi Reviews Channel in Danger

PeterPix Gaming

Active Member
Freedom! Member
This Youtuber name Chibi is a anime youtuber who has false copyright strikes from a certan organisation, I say they are false because they say that this youtuber uses material from that organisation on his videos which is 100% incorrect and know cant monetise his videos or make thumbnails or even make 15 minuts or longer videos.
So if you could help spread the word on social media and in this forums( just say he didnt do anynthing) it might help the situation.

The Video where he explains things:


Ps: He just got 100k subs and it would totally suck if he had to start all over again so please help him out.
PPS: Sorry for bad my english I wrote this in a hurry and english isnt my mother language.