Gaming Hello peeps!! :) :) x

Robin Kelly

Rising User
Apr 28, 2014
hello peeps! :) all tho i had been a member here at freedom for a year now i am introducing myself again. the reason for this is because iv just got back from traveling! i had been traveling for about 6 months so iv not uploaded anything to freedom or youtube so now im starting again. :) been back in England now for a few days now (where i live/ born) and just getting use to everyhing again so soon i will start uploading clips again to youtube, have alot on my comp to edit but for now im gunna try and get into the community side of freedom since iv been away for so long :) so here a little about me and what i record/play also feel free to comment on this or my youtube and ask me any questions ,feedback or just wanna be friends :)

Your name: Robin
(Optional) Where are you from?:Manchester /U.K
(Optional) How old are you?:21
How did you find Freedom!?
What made you join our forums?: friends that use freeom :)
What are your hobbies?: my hobbies are playing games / recording and making videos and skateboarding :)
What is your favorite food? pizza!
Why did you start YouTube? when i was a kids i watched montages on cod and other games and it looked fun so i started a channel and began :)

What kind of channel do you run?: i run a comedy / gaming channel i pretty much upload any game i play but mostly cod4 and gta

When do you upload?: as of now getting back into it since iv been traveling for 6 months. got alot of videos to upload but am looking for an editor for the vids atm as iv been recording something big for a while ;D
Channel link:

and remember this is not everyones cup of tea so if you don't like this don't get angry just remeber that :)

got anyother questions to ask just drop a message below and ask! :p

and to everyone at freedom hope you guys have a great day and hope to see all you guys around! :D


Renowned User
Freedom! Member
Jul 16, 2015
hello peeps! :) all tho i had been a member here at freedom for a year now i am introducing myself again. the reason for this is because iv just got back from traveling! i had been traveling for about 6 months so iv not uploaded anything to freedom or youtube so now im starting again. :) been back in England now for a few days now (where i live/ born) and just getting use to everyhing again so soon i will start uploading clips again to youtube, have alot on my comp to edit but for now im gunna try and get into the community side of freedom since iv been away for so long :) so here a little about me and what i record/play also feel free to comment on this or my youtube and ask me any questions ,feedback or just wanna be friends :)

Your name: Robin
(Optional) Where are you from?:Manchester /U.K
(Optional) How old are you?:21
How did you find Freedom!?
What made you join our forums?: friends that use freeom :)
What are your hobbies?: my hobbies are playing games / recording and making videos and skateboarding :)
What is your favorite food? pizza!
Why did you start YouTube? when i was a kids i watched montages on cod and other games and it looked fun so i started a channel and began :)

What kind of channel do you run?: i run a comedy / gaming channel i pretty much upload any game i play but mostly cod4 and gta

When do you upload?: as of now getting back into it since iv been traveling for 6 months. got alot of videos to upload but am looking for an editor for the vids atm as iv been recording something big for a while ;D
Channel link:

and remember this is not everyones cup of tea so if you don't like this don't get angry just remeber that :)

got anyother questions to ask just drop a message below and ask! :p

and to everyone at freedom hope you guys have a great day and hope to see all you guys around! :D
Hello again! I believe we never meet! But I'm SheepDreams! Sweet to meet you! Hope your youtube journey so far is going good!