Gaming Hello, I'm newish!

Loxin Nightwalker

Rising User
I have been around in freedom for about a year now, but just started to really try to work on my channel.

Your name:Logan or Loxin. (I go by both on my channel.)
How old are you?:21
How did you find Freedom!? A friend of mine that did youtube for a while showed Freedom to me.
What made you join our forums?: I wanted to get to know people on youtube and try to make my channel better.
What are your hobbies?: Video games, writing and reading.
What is your favorite food? Food is my favorite, I'm not picky.
Why did you start YouTube? I wanted to show others that I was good at the games that I play and I was also shy when I started and this was my way to get over that.
What is your biggest dream? I want to finish my book and get it published so anyone can read my work.
What kind of channel do you run?: I run a gaming channel.
What kind of content do you upload? I make videos for any games that I like and I try to show off mods for those games if there are any.
When do you upload?: I try to do 6am every day, so anyone can see it whenever they want.
Channel link: