VLOG Hello hello!

Tiffany K

New User
Freedom! Member
Oct 16, 2016
The name is Tiffany.

I started posting way back then of just songs people never heard of. Personal videos. I made a channel in the first place to comment on videos I sub to.

Its a new year and I thought why not give it a chance? So I started vlogging. Thank you to the community of Twitch and Twitter, I have gained a lot of viewers because of them. I wouldn't do this if it wasn't for them. So I invite you to watch my vlogs. It may not be up to par, but I love it. Also there will be more to my channel then just vlogs. Just sub and see (y) (Y)

Thank you for reading and talk to you all soon!


Forum Administrator // YouTuber... -ish
Freedom! Member
Feb 21, 2014
Hey Tiffany!

Welcome to the Freedom! forums. Here are some other things you can do as a new member:
Good luck with your channel and happy foruming! :D


The Crazy Boi
Freedom! Member
Feb 10, 2016
Welcome to Freedom!
If you ever need any assistance, ask me in the chat or send me a Private Message
I am on regularly so I should be able to help you if need be.

Remember you can add a YouTube Sub button under your posts.
Go to this link - https://freedom.community.tm/account/personal-details
and add your CHANNEL ID for it to successfully appear.

Make sure you read both our Forum Rules and Chat Rules to understand what is permitted in the forums.
If you have any questions, check our FAQ and our Ultimate Guide to see if it has already been answered.


Devourer of Cake + Crumpets.
Freedom! Member
May 8, 2014
The name is Tiffany.

I started posting way back then of just songs people never heard of. Personal videos. I made a channel in the first place to comment on videos I sub to.

Its a new year and I thought why not give it a chance? So I started vlogging. Thank you to the community of Twitch and Twitter, I have gained a lot of viewers because of them. I wouldn't do this if it wasn't for them. So I invite you to watch my vlogs. It may not be up to par, but I love it. Also there will be more to my channel then just vlogs. Just sub and see (y) (Y)

Thank you for reading and talk to you all soon!
Hello Tiffany, welcome again to the Forums ^^

Vlogging tends to work out well. What kind of vlogs do you enjoy recording?