Gaming Hello from Serbia :D


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Sep 11, 2015
Hello guys, i am 19 years old psychology student from serbia who loves gaming and i am trying to share it with youtube C: So, i started playing games as a kid, my father and 2 older sisters would play return to castle wolfenstain and i would just watch them, but secretly when they are gone, i would just play arround on their saves :D
Okay, i will try to keep it as short as possible, but my story is kinda complicated and a long one....
So, here we go... I starded posting youtube videos few years ago, and it was terribly hard. I couldnt share it with my friends on facebook or anything like that, because where i come from people dont like stuff like gaming videos and they are very gudgemental, and by very i mean a lot. There was no other option but to grow my channel by posting links to my videos on some google + communities and stuff like that, and when i finaly did something with my channel i decided to partner up with Fullscreen network, wich was super awesome. They had people that i talked to and that helped me a lot by giving me tips and stuff like that, but there was a problem. When i got to a 49$ after 6 months of being partnered with them, which took me a lot of time and a lot of making and editing videos someone decided to give me 3 copyright strikes on my videos. Those 3 videos were just standing a side, and they were actually a videos of my dog and i playing in a back yard (that was to show some people that are not from serbia). They broke up the contract and i never got the money that i worked so hard for, and that i intended to spend on buying a proper microphone, because i was recording with my cell phone headphones. So i gave up, yep... I gave up, i was so frustrated and sad that i just couldnt do it anymore. About one and a half year from that i decided to start it all over again and do it with a new channel. 2-3 months later, I am here, everything seems even harder now... There is a lot of gaming channels that are competing for atention and its kinda hard to get through all that, I mean would you rather watch a guy with 10k subs and 200k views per video or click on recomended video with only 50-100 views... So, yeah... i am trying my best to keep up with all this, because psychology requires a lot of time and 2-3 months to learn every single word in a books.... (i had 2-3 months for 5 books, each 600-700 pages). I hope i didnt bore you to death with my story, and i hope i didnt offend anyone with that part about copyright strikes.
Thank you for reading this, and i hope that i will meet some great people here.
(sorry if my grammar is not the best, english is not my native language, but i am trying my best)