Gaming Hello Freedom! forums


New User
Feb 11, 2016
Hi my name is Josh. I am from Canada, and the province that i live in currently is
Alberta(don't want to say where specifically because it is the internet). I am 22 years old (just thinking of it makes me feel old xO). I found the forums while browsing google and while browsing around i found the freedom forums. I found that there is a lot of youtubers here just like me here on the forums and i thought to myself to sign up for the forums. Currently i don't have that many hobbies but one of them is coincidentally making YouTube videos for fun. Oh and playing video games as well.
What is your favorite food?My favorite food is pizza all the way. But their may be some times where i want to have some wendys. I started YouTube because i thought it looked like a fun thing to do for a hobby and i loved to play video games(and failing at them at time lol) and there is also sometimes where i like to help others with games like Zelda, and Mario. I would have to say my biggest dream in life is winning the lottery and being a professional couch potato in the middle of the pacific ocean(just kidding i thought it would be funny to type this up, hope you all laughed xD). I run a gaming channel on YouTube. I upload let's plays. When i have at least 3 lp videos i post a commentary of things that happened in my life or what i think is funny to talk about. I try to upload at least 1 video a day. If i miss a day of uploading(which hasn't happened to me yet), i have ran out to edit, or i am away for trips where i can't upload videos once a day but i haven't gotten to this situation just yet. If you guys want to check out my channel and consider subscribing, here is the link:

Thank you guys for reading my thread :D


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Oct 31, 2015
Welcome to freedom, if you have any questions make sure to ask me I'll always be happy to answer them