Gaming Hello Everyone


New User
Freedom! Member
May 9, 2016
My Name is Jack and my channel is Called JKG
I am from the united kingdom/England
I am 16 years of age
I found freedom through a YouTuber who posted a linked to the website in his description and i viewed the site and saw an opportunity to help my channel grow
The thing that made me want to join the forum is getting to meet new people and making new friends
My hobbies are playing video games and recording for fun
My favourite food would have to be Pasta
The biggest reason i started YouTube was watching bigger channels like Markiplier or Ksi they really inspired me to try and have ago for myself and it turned out to be a very good thing for me
My Biggest dream would be to have over 300,000 subscribers even though its kinda stupid I still want to try
The kind of channel that I run is a gaming channel and I would not go as far as saying its a comedy channel because that is a matter of opinion
sometimes i upload 1 in a day or i do 2 in one day and sometimes i do 1 a week but mostly it is 1-2 a day
Thanks for taking the time to read this i will be looking forward to talking to you thank you and goodbye