Gaming hello everyone

TheGamer Boever

New User
Mar 12, 2015
Your name: Jonathan
How did you find Freedom!? I found freedom trough youtube
What made you join our forums?: Just to interact with people and also because I have an issue
What are your hobbies?: I got to many honestly to name xd
What is your favorite food? I kinda have a few favorite dishes
Why did you start YouTube? as I enjoy playing games and had something why not make a channel and uplaod and see if people enjoy what I upload and to give some tips and tricks in the future
What kind of channel do you run?:gaming channel
What kind of content do you upload? only call of duty as this point in time as I enjoy it the most, and i'm trying all
When do you upload?: i try the do as much as possible
Channel link:

some more info, i'm actually with freedom from 15 march but never really had an issue till now and its not a big one its just somthing confussing

TheGamer Boever

New User
Mar 12, 2015
sorry forget to put that in I play on ps4, also atm my vids on my channel arent with commentary only 2 but thats because i'm waiting for my new desktop wich i'll be able the do overlay and facecam with obs and livestream too