Gaming Hello everyone.


New User
Dec 30, 2015
Hello everyone,

My name is Duncan (GemDef Productions Duncan on youtube)
I am 20 years old i have been on youtube for years now but i keep starting new channels because i didn't like something about them. But this time around i am happy with my channel and content, i started this channel almost a year ago and i am going to stick with it.
I am from the Netherlands a small country that claims the sea by trowing dirt on it!
I found freedom when me and my friend were looking for partnerships who toke in small channels since he just started a animation channel. I knew about the forums for a while but never joined because i wanted to make sure my channel and content were good.
My hobbies are what you expect from a guy running a gaming channel it is playing games of course i almost own every single console and hundreds of games. I also like to watch some tv shows and animes and recently i got into reading manga.
I started youtube because it seemed like fun, i like playing games i like editing video's and since i don't have many people to talk to i thought it would be a good idea to start a channel (That way i won't drive myself and my girlfriend insane)
My goal in life is to enjoy it have a family and live it to the fullest on my terms (I say it like that because everyone has his own way of enjoying life)
Doing Youtube is something i enjoy doing i love to read and reply to the comments and like i said editing is something i enjoy doing so it is the best thing ever!
I mostly upload survival based games sometimes story and machinimas that are based around funny things and glitches. I upload at least once a week because i don't have the most of time but i am trying to upload more when ever i can. I also have some fun unique video ideas but i am still working those out.

If you are intrusted in my content here is a funny moments of 2015.

And if you like what you see there is plenty more!

Now i am off getting dinner and probably getting a new light bulb because my light is flickering.

Hope you all have a nice day and happy new year!