Gaming Hello Everyone

Nov 12, 2015
Hello my name is Joe!! I'm from New Jersey. I'm 23 years old. I didnt exactly find Freedom. I was asked to apply to be a Freedom partner and thankfully I was accepted. However I tried applying for a badge and its been 48 hours and still nothing in return. I was told to ask a staff member to manually put me in if I was having any problems!! What made me want to join the forums was to meet new people and get advice on how to become a better YouTuber. My hobbies are playing video games and watching sports. I love both things alot!! I started YouTube because I thought why not share my gaming experiences with others??? I thought YouTube was a great way of doing just that.The channel that me and my buddy run is primarily a gaming channel. However I would like to dip into other things down the road. But gaming is what our channel is about!! Like I said we are a gaming channel. The game that I'm currently playing right now is Fallout 4. Now I know that everyone is playing Fallout 4 I get that. But I think I can provide a unique take on Fallout and besides I love the Fallout series!!! So why not play something that I love for people to watch?? It just makes sense!! My computer program has been a little fussy as of late but I managed to fix it and will be uploading Tuesday through Friday!! Saturday through Monday my buddy will uploading his Halo 5 Let's Play. There's my little introduction and it's nice to meet everyone on here!!
Channel link:


Freedom! Member
Apr 4, 2014
Hi Joe and welcome to Freedom forums, hope you have a great stay here !!! You have to wait for a few days for a badge, they will get you sorted soon. Cool channel, keep up the great work !!!