Blood money207

New User
Feb 21, 2016
well everyone is leaving introductions all over here
i guess i might as well to forgive me for my bad grammar
i been making videos on youtube for about 5 or 6 months
now i remember way back than i always wanted to make
videos on youtube and friends from time to time asked
me to do youtube and since they gave me the idea i have
not let it go it has always been on my mind so it wasnt
untill sometime this year during the summer i finaly
excuted the idea of course didnt throw videos out there
like crazy right off the bat but surely i was on my
way to making uploading schedules my channel mainly
focuses on gaming content i love gaming by alot!
and the longer i been on youtube the more i loved
intertaining my viewers on the first 3 months things
were slow and i felt as if my channel wasnt standing
out there as much and i let it get to me and i slowed
down on uploading videos than i left the channel for
a couple months later on i made a choice to come back
to youtube but i came back with a branding one name
and only one name that everyone could remember
i go by the name Blood money207 or for short "blood money"
since going back to youtube i made it my hobby
and i take it seriously right now and i try to
upload gaming content whenever i can i try to make it
everyday when i can i well admit this my channel
isnt doing so well but i do want it to grow into somthing
so thats why i joined and partner'd up with freedom
to find friends. partners. family.
alot folks seem to have eachothers backs here
and help eachother grow into somthing they thought they couldnt
i felt as if this was the right place to be
enyways i hope i didnt forget enything else
if i did im so sorry a link to my channel
well be below this letter thats it
have yourself a nice night/day

youtube channel:
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