Happy New Year Freedom! Community! - What are your new years resolutions?

FRESH Network

Rising User
Oct 19, 2014
Hello Everyone!

Happy New Year Everyone!

We hope that you have a great new year as we now pass into 2016 - we feel that 2016 is going to be a great year for all creators to grow on the platform as a result of all the new ways to grow.

As a community, we wanted to know what your new years resolutions will be this year. It is an upcoming trend in which many people will be searching for and we would advise that you create a video on your channel and post it here by talking about your new years resolutions - alternatively, you can also join in the discussion by telling us what your new years resolutions are.

As a Network powered by Freedom!, our new years resolution as a network is to help you grow even further, not just the talent within our network, but the whole Freedom! family. We will do this by offering support whenever required by any member of the Freedom! community.

If you would like to contact our support team to help you with anything such as tips to help your channel grow and the best practices for upcoming trends, we have setup a new email in which you can use to contact us as part of our new years resolution in an effort to help the whole Freedom! Family grow. You can send your emails to [email protected] where we will reply to you within 24 hours.

PLEASE NOTE: Please only use this community email as part of our new years resolution for community support such as helping to grow your channel, etc... - please do NOT use this email for anything to do with personal information such as payments, technical issues, etc... as we will be unable to assist you unless you are part of our network. Instead, you should contact your relevant network.

Hopefully by having our support team offering a little helping hand for our networks new years resolution to help the Freedom! Family as a community grow, it will help your channel grow as we plan.

Remember, the community can freely contact us now for support by sending an email to [email protected]

Leave your new years resolutions below - we look forward to hearing them!

Many Thanks,
FRESH Network
Community Team
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Mar 1, 2014
Happy New Years @FRESH Network!

That's an awesome resolution. :D I think a lot of members will appreciate your presence in the community!

The following are my own personal New Years resolutions:
  • Fix my sleep schedule (as in get more than 3-4 hours on week days when school's back in session)
  • Go on runs regularly (doesn't have to be every day but shouldn't be once every two months)
  • Upload more YouTube videos
Looking forward to a great year!
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FRESH Network

Rising User
Oct 19, 2014
Happy New Years @FRESH Network!

That's an awesome resolution. :D I think a lot of members will appreciate your presence in the community!

The following are my own personal New Years resolutions:
  • Fix my sleep schedule (as in get more than 3-4 hours on week days when school's back in session)
  • Go on runs regularly (doesn't have to be every day but shouldn't be once every two months)
  • Upload more YouTube videos
Looking forward to a great year!

Great to see your resolutions @41Danny1 ! I hope that you are successful in achieving them! :)

Happy new Year!!

I'm aiming to get the budget for me and my wife to marry this year :D

That's really great - I hope that you are successful and you have a great marriage and life together! :)