Halo 5 Guardians and more

Dust the Fox

Rising User
I don't know who still plays Halo 5 Guardians but who is excited for firefight? It comes out in 5 days, also this is a heads up for Xbox One users who want to play Halo 5 Guardians but cant afford it (You also have to have gold as well). 343 is going to make Halo 5 Guardians free on June 29 - July 4.

Also what do hope that will be added in firefight?


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Ayyyyeee I still play Halo 5 sometimes! :D I heard they're finally adding a UNSC flying vehicle so that's pretty awesome. For anyone who might be thinking about trying the game out for free, the game will probably be over 100GB in total once the update releases. That's 1/5 of a regular Xbox One, for just one game. Pretty crazy. I'm pretty excited for the update so I'll jump on for a bit once it comes out, but there's not much to the game to keep me playing daily. Hope this update changes that. Happy to see there's someone in the forums who's excited for it! :D