Gaming Guess I should reintroduce myself

Adam Fernandes

Freedom! Member
My name is Adam Fernandes, I live in Northern Ireland and I'm 16 on the verge of 17. I joined Freedom, specifically Ziovo earlier in 2015 and since then I didn't do much but now I've revamped my set-up and want to get back into it, I've just uploaded some Battleblock and Undertale actually. I mostly spend my time playing video games if I'm not doing work for my classes at Bangor SERC and since I enjoy playing video games why not record huh? How hard can it be. Well I did find it out the hard way, it is pretty hard

My channel has no particular focus, it could be stream extracts or recorded commentaries, I'm going to be featuring my Girlfriend, Montana on the channel a lot so get used to that. I feel as though Black Ops III and indie games will be a main focus, I haven't got much idea over past what I have done so far with Undertale and I'm trying to upload as much as I possibly can :)

Anyways I hope you do enjoy my channel and please subscribe if you feel so obliged. Please leave me some feedback on the videos I have uploaded so far, it would truly be appreciated. Thank you all!

Channel link:


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jan 4, 2016
I guess welcome back are in order. Good to know you came back to Freedom!

I'll subscribe to you and check out your videos.


Legendary User
Freedom! Member
Jun 14, 2015
Thanks man! I'm working on getting everything refined you know? Logos, intros, outros all that jazz

I know what you mean , wont take you that long and you will be back in the game :) Keep it up , looking forward to seeing some new videos