GTX 970 or GTX 980


Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
If you have the money go for 980, if you want a budget version 970 is your choise. I have 970, and I don't regret it.


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Better buy 980, or if you want to wait some time more buy 960Ti (it would be in middle of 960 and 970 with price/performance)


Technologist, Future Gamer! ~ Zac's Custom
Freedom! Member
It depends on what you plan to use it for.

970 - 1080P 60+FPS

980 - 1440P 60+FPS

980Ti - 4K 60+FPS

Generally the 970 should have no issue at all, but if you don't plan on upgrading for a long time, get the GTX 980.

Best Of Luck!

~Zac's Custom


Tech YouTuber!
Freedom! Member
I would recommend you not to get the 970, according to what I hear from benchmarks and other users, the 970 is not efficient for it's price. So you can get a better video card with the same money you would spend on the 970


Rising User
Kind of a pointless question.
Obviously the 980 is more powerful and is hence more expensive compared to the 970.
If you're on a budget build and is looking for some great 1080p gaming, get the 970.
If you have money to spend and you're looking for something that will be able to run all the games pretty well for the near future, get the 980.

If it were up to me though, I would get the 970 in SLI instead of the 980.