Tips & Tricks Growing a channel: 101 / Rev Edition


Rising User
Saw a lot of discussion recently in the Shoutbox regarding channel growth and the correct time to post videos etc. Here's my best attempt at a small guide on how to grow your YouTube Channel efficiently.

  1. Channel Design
  2. Channel Content
  3. Professionalism
  4. Subscribers

1. Channel Design
Okay, with regards to channel design I want to relate to the whole concept of your channel, your username is a huge relevance to this. Does your username include specific content? An example is 'CodClips' or 'FifaZilla' these names provide potential subscribers and subscribers with ideas to what your channel will include. Therefore, make sure to keep your content relevant, stick to series' and videos which are gaining you views, that are working and popular in the media, in popculture, play the games or talk about the current factors in society. This will indefinetly boost the chance of your channel getting found, or people viewing your videos.
2. Channel Content
I know I have already touched on this, however, the content of your channel defines you as a YouTuber. Potential subscribers and viewers will stick around based on the content that your channel has within it. They are likely to view videos which sparks their interests or current affairs in society. Content is vital in a channel, people prefer a YouTuber to post 2 videos a week that are current and interesting rather than a YouTuber posting 6 videos which are random, irrevelant and just downright stupid to view.

3. Professionalism
A professional channel is a channel which comes with a professional look; A logo which i relevant to the content creator. A banner which matches the logo or is relevant to the content which is posted by the YouTuber; Professional content which has been edited in a easy to view manner, a way which makes the video exciting, makes viewers want to continue watching or to view other content that the creator has posted to their channel; Good upload times of videos such as a YouTuber posting a certain scheduling of videos within their banner so viewers are aware of when their favourite series' or videos will be uploaded reguarly by the creator. This allows viewers to stay active as long as the content creator remains consistent with their schedules and videos. If a creator appears to begin to get lazy or the quality of video (such as the video quality is not available in hd anymore or never was) these will look unappealing to viewers and therefore they are more likely to watch another creator.

4. Subscribers
Within this section I will discuss one of the main benefits of YouTube, Subscribers. These exclusive users are unique because they have decided to subscribe to YOUR channel. To the content that you post, they are interested in your content or are willing to sign up to receive updates about your content. This is a huge honour as a YouTuber. Remaining loyal to what subscribers like and want is a main aim every YouTuber should aspire too. This is what has allowed huge channels to hold onto their loyal subscribers because they provide them with content that THEY want! Without subscribers there are no upload views for content creators, and therefore, with the creation of high quality content, a high quality design, theme, logo, banner, video title, image, tags > the content creator is likely to attain more and more subscribers, more views and the ability to join amazing YouTube Networks such as Freedom! This in turn, allows you to monetize your videos, make money from the content that you put effort into making, money for doing something you love, what an amazing tool this makes YouTube become for partnered YouTubers.

Therefore, patience is the main factor amongst all of these factors. With patience you will create yourself a great Channel Design, create better and higher quality Content, gain a professional looking channel, and also, gain mass amounts of subscribers and views with the amount of integrity, determination and work ethic you have > then your channel will reflect this. Put in the work, don't give up, don't forget to listen to subscribers, to more successful YouTubers, and to yourself when making decisions.

Be You, Youtube allows you to do so, don't listen to haters. Become the real You, that's why it's named YouTube, silly!

Thanks for reading, hope this shiz helps someone, out there anyway.
Name's Rev, drop a reply if this helps or contact me for more advice, willing to help anytime, anyplace, anywhere #johncena


Thanks again Freedom!Family