Tips & Tricks Getting an Audience


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Feb 1, 2016
Hey guys, I'm new to YouTube and have been basically trying to figure out what I want to base my channel around (which I did in the first place, but hey, I changed my mind) and I figured it out. I want to make Lifstories. So far I have four videos. The first one I posted got way more views than expected. That made my confidence level rise, so I posted another and got a disappointing 4 views. Well, I got to start somewhere. But I wanted to ask you guys, especially experienced YouTubers, how do you reach your audience? How do I go out and find that audience? Better yet, how do I advertise my channel where that group of people (my audience) resides? Please help?

Do I need more entertaining stories? My plan was to save better ones for when I grow, but I want to know.
Am I boring?
Do I not cover key points?
Do I not draw my audience in right away?
Do I need a hook (and if so, could you give me an idea?)?
Is background footage distracting?
Is the music distracting?

Please give me some constructive criticism... Thanks guys!


Devourer of Cake + Crumpets.
Freedom! Member
May 8, 2014
Hey guys, I'm new to YouTube and have been basically trying to figure out what I want to base my channel around (which I did in the first place, but hey, I changed my mind) and I figured it out. I want to make Lifstories. So far I have four videos. The first one I posted got way more views than expected. That made my confidence level rise, so I posted another and got a disappointing 4 views. Well, I got to start somewhere. But I wanted to ask you guys, especially experienced YouTubers, how do you reach your audience? How do I go out and find that audience? Better yet, how do I advertise my channel where that group of people (my audience) resides? Please help?

Do I need more entertaining stories? My plan was to save better ones for when I grow, but I want to know.
Am I boring?
Do I not cover key points?
Do I not draw my audience in right away?
Do I need a hook (and if so, could you give me an idea?)?
Is background footage distracting?
Is the music distracting?

Please give me some constructive criticism... Thanks guys!
My audience is a bit more niche. To get people to join my videos, I need to go to hearthstone related forums. Currently, I'm holding off on that until I have some more free time when I move to Davis come September time. To reach your audience, you need to find where they lie dormant. Imagine this scenario. You want to find a hungry man, you don't go into the ocean, hoping to find someone, you go to a restaurant, and see if you can entice them with your deals. Same goes for your content, it needs to be relevant to the place you're going.

Advertising yourself is hard. Other people won't like that too often, depending on what outlet you use. What kind of content are you looking to upload? Story videos snowball over time, especially when you get better at story telling. If it's just for entertainment, you need to offer something unique, that other 100k subbed youtubers don't have. Talking is an art, perfect it when you can, because practicing can go a long way.

Stories are hard to judge for me, it depends on the format, and your ability to meet others. I'd consider working with more friends, or to go onto other channels that are similar to yours. Collaborating helps a great deal.

You could get some more thumbnail engagement by getting someone to do it for you. Finding an artist is key to getting your videos clicked on. Many people use click-bait titles, but I would try to get people to come naturally with honest work, tagging correctly, and knowing what to say.

To deter yourself less, how about you try thinking of stories, and record it in audacity when you're feeling your best. Keep a number of videos saved up, that way you can let yourself rest at times. It's important to keep yourself at 100%, and I'm sorry that you feel that you're not getting the attention you deserve. Youtube has a lot of methods to grow, and the honest way is hard, but much more rewarding.

As for the being boring part, I don't think that's true. You need to believe that you're the best person to tell these stories. Feel the energy you bring to your audience, you can make their day if you worked at it! I understand that you might feel down not getting views, I would ignore that part for now. Focus on having a healthy mind-set, for achieving happiness. You'd be amazed how different your self-esteem can be if you look for the optimistic side of youtube. Too many people focus on the numbers, and it lowers their ability to make content.

If you need any more assistance, let me know! I tend to ramble on the odd occasion.


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Feb 1, 2016
Thanks man!
My audience is a bit more niche. To get people to join my videos, I need to go to hearthstone related forums. Currently, I'm holding off on that until I have some more free time when I move to Davis come September time. To reach your audience, you need to find where they lie dormant. Imagine this scenario. You want to find a hungry man, you don't go into the ocean, hoping to find someone, you go to a restaurant, and see if you can entice them with your deals. Same goes for your content, it needs to be relevant to the place you're going.

Advertising yourself is hard. Other people won't like that too often, depending on what outlet you use. What kind of content are you looking to upload? Story videos snowball over time, especially when you get better at story telling. If it's just for entertainment, you need to offer something unique, that other 100k subbed youtubers don't have. Talking is an art, perfect it when you can, because practicing can go a long way.

Stories are hard to judge for me, it depends on the format, and your ability to meet others. I'd consider working with more friends, or to go onto other channels that are similar to yours. Collaborating helps a great deal.

You could get some more thumbnail engagement by getting someone to do it for you. Finding an artist is key to getting your videos clicked on. Many people use click-bait titles, but I would try to get people to come naturally with honest work, tagging correctly, and knowing what to say.

To deter yourself less, how about you try thinking of stories, and record it in audacity when you're feeling your best. Keep a number of videos saved up, that way you can let yourself rest at times. It's important to keep yourself at 100%, and I'm sorry that you feel that you're not getting the attention you deserve. Youtube has a lot of methods to grow, and the honest way is hard, but much more rewarding.

As for the being boring part, I don't think that's true. You need to believe that you're the best person to tell these stories. Feel the energy you bring to your audience, you can make their day if you worked at it! I understand that you might feel down not getting views, I would ignore that part for now. Focus on having a healthy mind-set, for achieving happiness. You'd be amazed how different your self-esteem can be if you look for the optimistic side of youtube. Too many people focus on the numbers, and it lowers their ability to make content.

If you need any more assistance, let me know! I tend to ramble on the odd occasion.[/QUOTE

Thanks man! That helps a lot. Was not expecting all that. lol.
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Distinguished User
Freedom! Member
Feb 18, 2016
Ashland, PA
I do agreed youtube is hard, when I started mine first video I upload I get like 58 views on it and next video drop back down to 10 views and I keep working on mine content and understand what I doing wrong mine views and subs slowly climbing and this month mine growth is better then last month so mine tip is just be grad how many subs and views you have and keep practicing and upload good content videos :)


Rising User
Jan 7, 2016
I advise you to put tags on your video , the maximum padding around the field and including also put tags in the video description!