Full Time YouTuber - Is it Good or Bad?


Rising User
Aug 3, 2016
I'm only 13 and I am trying to see if it will be my full time job in the long run. There are lots of pros and cons.

Young Entrepreneurs

Rising User
Jun 13, 2016
You need 2 million views a month to get around $2000... just from youtube views...
But if you do some kinda affiliate marketing stuff you can do with a hell of alot less...
Than, Per day I've to collect 66,666 views from my videos :eek: .. Its too hard for now but, can be achievable... let me see what happens. Well, i am taking youtube as part time now for some years.

Young Entrepreneurs

Rising User
Jun 13, 2016
Being one who looks at youtube more of a hobby instead of a job, there isn't really much I can say that'll make a dent in the conversation. However, to do what you want, you have to dedicate yourself to Youtube, you will have zero time for family,friends or even school(if you somehow manage to do it, props to you!), and you'll have no time for jobs. In my own personal opinion, I'd look at youtube as something on the side of your main job, instead of a full-time job.
From knowing a good friend of mine "trying" to do the impossible(making youtube a full time job), I can tell you, unless you can compete with some of the well known channels, or make yourself different and unique, it is quite difficult to make youtube a full time job.

But again, this is coming from someone who looks at youtube as a hobby, and doesn't try to look at it as a job. I'd rather have fun versus stressing myself out daily trying to compete.
Thanks for your complement, support and advice. Well, after having conversation with all freedom friends, I think currently i want to take youtube as a part time job & i'll find another full time job where i can spend some time for my youtube channel. So, both will be save. Job+ youtube.
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Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jul 16, 2016
My girlfriend is a full time YouTuber. She's sitting at 40,000 subs and averages 11,000 views a day. She takes in between $350 to $600 a month depending on the rates. If she was still able to work the 28 hour a week part time position where she used to work, she'd be pulling down roughly $950 a month. If you are going to do it, I recommend one of two things. 1: Find a niche. Fill a void. Don't follow in the footsteps of others. Gaming is not the best road to go down in that department. I'm not saying it's impossible, just harder when the market is oversaturated. ( I'm well aware of the hypocrisy in that statement since I do a gaming channel too. Doesn't make it any less true.) 2: Sell out. Play the hell out of the popular titles and click bait stuff. Rip off the idiosyncrasies of the popular guys. Fake hype and play COD and Minecraft. Jump in the water with the rest of the sharks and hope you can skim some of the chum they leave behind. That last one is a bit of a rant, but unfortunately a bit of the truth. I've been doing this for a month, and it's hard. And my stuff is low maintenance and not very good. But I also have to balance it out with a 40 hour a week job. Would I love for this to one day make me a living? Hell Yes. Will it? Who knows? But until then, you work hard, persevere, and if nothing comes of it, at least you had fun. Because if you're not having fun, then what's the point? It would just end up being a job you hate.

Young Entrepreneurs

Rising User
Jun 13, 2016
My girlfriend is a full time YouTuber. She's sitting at 40,000 subs and averages 11,000 views a day. She takes in between $350 to $600 a month depending on the rates. If she was still able to work the 28 hour a week part time position where she used to work, she'd be pulling down roughly $950 a month. If you are going to do it, I recommend one of two things. 1: Find a niche. Fill a void. Don't follow in the footsteps of others. Gaming is not the best road to go down in that department. I'm not saying it's impossible, just harder when the market is oversaturated. ( I'm well aware of the hypocrisy in that statement since I do a gaming channel too. Doesn't make it any less true.) 2: Sell out. Play the hell out of the popular titles and click bait stuff. Rip off the idiosyncrasies of the popular guys. Fake hype and play COD and Minecraft. Jump in the water with the rest of the sharks and hope you can skim some of the chum they leave behind. That last one is a bit of a rant, but unfortunately a bit of the truth. I've been doing this for a month, and it's hard. And my stuff is low maintenance and not very good. But I also have to balance it out with a 40 hour a week job. Would I love for this to one day make me a living? Hell Yes. Will it? Who knows? But until then, you work hard, persevere, and if nothing comes of it, at least you had fun. Because if you're not having fun, then what's the point? It would just end up being a job you hate.

Well, thanks for taking a time for writing these all complements and suggestions. Well, I've fun to do this work. Also, I never feel like i am bored to do this job because, it gives me some excitement to do that work. Well, I have full time job and i am an electrical engineer. I run entrepreneurs based channel where, i share all types of story telling videos on business, entrepreneurship, business ideas and self improvement related niche. Also, as you told me about your gf's channel. Can you give me your girlfriends channel name? I want to learn from your girlfriend's channel graph and video consistency and etc..

Hail Kira

Game Show Host
Freedom! Member
Feb 5, 2014
British Columbia
Than, Per day I've to collect 66,666 views from my videos :eek: .. Its too hard for now but, can be achievable... let me see what happens. Well, i am taking youtube as part time now for some years.
There are lots of ways you can do with less though... On top of the youtube ads you could have affiliate links, sponsors, fan funding, or you could sell books or merchandise... etc...

Youtube ads should only be a peice of your overall revenue if you really want to do well on youtube...


Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
Jun 16, 2016
depends on if you earn enough to live of it. you don't then don't quit your job.