Complaints Freedom! has not helped my channel since I've joined


Gaming since 1992
Freedom! Member
Jan 19, 2014
(Sorry if the title sounds really petty and/or rude. I just couldn't think of another way of wording that.)

Not 100% sure how to word this correctly, but I will try my best without going on too long.

Two years ago next month, I had successfully joined Freedom! Going through what they were offering, plus a familiar face running it made me feel more secured with my choice. However, I've been in doubts with my choice for a good year now, but decided to stay silent. Even on several occasions of thinking about leaving. I'm hoping by writing this and listening to the replies, it would alleviate my doubts and stay with the Network.

My main complaint is the channel that I run. Never minding that I'm making next to nothing, because that wasn't the goal. When I first joined, I was at around 135 Subscribers, and roughly 25,000 views. Today, I fought tooth and nail for 185 Subscribers, and about 37,000 views total. With Freedom's help, I amassed one Subscriber, (who, since then left a long time ago) and possibly 10 views. The rest was all me fighting for the respect and Subscription of anyone who thought my content was worth staying for.

I thought one of the perks of being with Freedom! was that they would help you get your push by promotion and such, and your only job was to keep doing what you do best. But I was confused as to why I had to work harder in order for Freedom! to even consider it. (e.g. Actively post in forums and YouTube comments on the network's channel) I have tried a couple times in the past to ask for a push. It's not like I didn't completely put in the effort here. But with managing the channel, and living my life, I kind of can't be the forum bug I once was years ago. I was purely hoping by my hard work, loyalty to the network, and sheer dedication to be the best on YouTube, that it would merit my success to be pushed and promoted. However, through all said dedication, you wouldn't have thought for a second I was even partnered to begin with. With the viewership still at 500-700, and 0-1 Subscriber gain per month. There was no significance that Freedom! ever left there fingerprints on my channel.

Did Freedom! die? Was I wrong to think I would get the help if I put the effort into it? Or is it just because I'm not some hotshot on YouTube, they can't be bothered to help me? These aren't smart aleck questions, either. They're legit things I ask myself everyday. My goal was to reach out to as many people as possible, and do my very best to be entertaining or informative. But the whole "Let's Play" thing is terribly flooded today, that starting without help is a suicide/time wasting situation. And that is why I am here with Freedom! today.

My complaint is that my channel is so under, that if I were to disappear tomorrow, no one would even know or care. My request is that someone would just help out. Specifically, the Freedom! team, because it would be wrong and petty to ask anyone else. You know, a push, a promotion. Hell, I would even settle for a mentor if it meant the channel could grow. It's frustrating to see that my channel has potential, and nothing is being done to capitalize on it. All I ask is for a little help from the people I entrusted my channel to on the network. Otherwise, what's the point in even staying? Making a couple quarters on here monthly is not incentive enough for me to stay and keep struggling. I just hope by venting, that someone will reply, understand my frustrations, and help me in anyway possible. I guess I'll know soon.

Thank you for your time~

Deron Campbell

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Aug 3, 2015
I think freedom needs some barriers to entry now, this network is flooded and the staff cannot respond to so much persons at once, and so freedom partners don't get the help they require.


Renowned User
Freedom! Member
Apr 13, 2014
Where the sun doesn't shine
Since you didn't link your channel in both the post and the signature, I went and searched for your channel via YouTube. Now, assuming this is your channel, I'm gonna try my best to help.

When I clicked on your videos, whether it be Pokemon Silver or Undertale, I noticed some things...they both don't have proper tags. Tags are very, very important for a video since it's how your videos will be ranked depending on what people search for. Let's look at Undertale, for example. The only relevent tag I see is "Undertale", while the rest are probably tags recommended by YouTube. Now, if you're an audience curious upon how Undertale ends when going true pacifist, you don't simply type "undertale" and search, right? You'd type "Undertale Pacifist Ending" or maybe even "Undertale Ending 100% Pacifist". Those are the sentences you use to tag your videos so people can find your videos in search results.

As for the description, I suggest typing out what the video is about in the first 3 lines as they usually appear in search results beside your video thumbnail. Speaking of thumbnail, you also need to get/make a custom thumbnail to attract more people into clicking your video. I noticed you don't make thumbnails in almost all your videos and sometimes people won't click on the video because it doesn't attract them much. If you want to know what to put in a thumbnail for a game, try looking up on how other people did it and see if you can try and either replicate or adapt to how they do it.

Your banner is okay, but try and make it more specific. What kind of a let's player are you? Do you play RPG games? Horror Games? Action Games? People would want to know. The same goes for your About section. Add more details to it for those who wants to know what you do on your channel. You can even make a small description about yourself, why you make videos, what are your goals and more.

I hope this helps! :)


Gaming since 1992
Freedom! Member
Jan 19, 2014
Since you didn't link your channel in both the post and the signature, I went and searched for your channel via YouTube. Now, assuming this is your channel, I'm gonna try my best to help.

I wasn't aware that my channel was going to be critiqued, since that wasn't the point. However, since you brought up some useful tips, I will try to answer them quickly. And really quick, my channel is in my signature if you missed it, and yes. That channel is mine that you found.

The tags are something I know I've always lacked in, and need to learn a little more about that. It would be great to be found based in a search result, and not through external sources, i.e. related videos. I will definitely take into consideration when the next video goes live later today.

Descriptions are purely based off my experience in the video. It's nothing more than to briefly explain what goes on in the video. What you are asking is sort of confusing. What are you recommending me to put in the description? Will it confuse the audience when watching the video? What real impact will it do for the channel? I say I'm confused because no one I watch does that. As for video thumbnails, I haven't embraced it yet because it's too uniform looking, and it doesn't show what's in the video itself based on the three thumbnails you can choose. I usually avoid doing it, but since I'm in the middle of trying new things. I will start by doing custom thumbnails with the current project, and possibly next project. By which then I'll ask my fans if they are okay with this new format. If so, great. If not, then it goes away.

As for the banner, I'll admit it is a bit bland. But, it's directly to the point. It's a Let's Play channel, nothing more. You may or may not find a game you will enjoy on there. You ask what kind of Let's Play am I, but that can't be answered so straightforward, because there really isn't one. I play everything under the sun, therefore, there's easily 10 different genres floating around on that channel. If you were to force me to pick something, I'd say platforms and action adventure. If you or anyone else would like to help me set up a new banner, that would be pretty nice. The catch is, the header, title, and catchphrase may not be modified at all. Finally, I have no idea what kind of description you would like me to put in a sentence or two. That I would need some help with if you're really that concerned with it.

If you would like to discuss this further, my skype information is in my Freedom! information. Thanks~


Renowned User
Freedom! Member
Apr 13, 2014
Where the sun doesn't shine
Be aware that your signature says "Error", which means you've inputted the username wrongly. Thus, why I proceed to find your channel through YouTube XD.

As for what I've stated, I'm just stating my opinion on how you can get more viewers to watch your videos or simply check your channel. The description is just so that those who actually reads it will know what'll be in your video. Usually, the first 3 lines of your description will show up beside your video in the search results. So, it'll help if they know what they're about to click on. For example, you can say "In this video, we're going to head to the Rock-Type Gym leader and try to win the badge..." or something like that. However, this is simply optional.

The banner and the type of games you play are also optional as well. It's just that it helps the people know what type of games you play and such. I'm just stating how it may help others to get to know your channel more in depth. That is all. :)


Active Member
Freedom! Member
Jan 10, 2016
Hey there Hachi I'm new to this network and to the more involved side of youtube (as my private channel of 8 years was just used now and then)... the only thing to mention is that I have just over 2 years of profes experience in marketing (seo/smo) including video marketing.

With your complaint towards the support from lets say an individual rep from freedom was to help you out with your videos, that would be the best level of support you could get but due to staffing it simply isn't feasible or possible to manage the mass of people for little money. From my first few days of experiencing I feel it offers plenty of help and information as well as Tools to give you a good advantage, So I already knew this was going to be a 90% me, 10% Freedom.

I have some tips that could help maybe boost your reach on youtube and from other sources, from my experience in an agency.

  • Make sure to have an Introduction video for new visitors showing who & what you do*
  • some descriptions for videos ain't specific enough to the video & tags could be improved.
  • Try using the Keyword tool to find out the best titles and tags to use for the game you're YTing.
  • Make sure you're on other Social Networks! you want to connect with your audience anyway you can such as facebook pages/ google+ pages / twitter / [Pinterest] / [Reddit].
  • Find websites & forums or discussion groups where you could speak & share gameplay or reviews.
  • Find Blogging webites and send in a Guest review / submission.
  • Create both Short videos (4-8minutes) and Long videos (10++ minutes)
The last few points i've made are vital as when sharing your video you need to get the best Reach you can meaning if you had 5 more social networks to share to there's 5 more potentially different audiences you can reach to gain more views. Signing up to websites like Pinterest, Reddit, stumbleupon you open yourself to obtaining backlinks to your video that can be found more commonly on search results thus helping you get longer term traffic to videos.

As for videos you need to try and target everyone including people with Short and long attention spans so long videos can be a turn off to quite a lot of people.. it's best to try and put together some funny bloopers or fails, anything that has shorter editing techniques.

I hope it helps you and by all means pop me a message if you want any advice, Freedom is defiantly a place that has good support and help at hand from the community.. so use it more often :D


Gaming since 1992
Freedom! Member
Jan 19, 2014
Hey there Hachi I'm new to this network and to the more involved side of youtube (as my private channel of 8 years was just used now and then)...

I will attempt to utilize your recommendations you posted, along with TheAimGames suggestions. It will take some time, as change isn't easy (especially for me.) But I will go and make some changes later tonight, and get back to (hopefully both of) you. It won't be anything drastic, just enough to see how it appeals to you guys~


The Flying Dutchman
Community Team!
Freedom! Member
A network provides you the tools in order to help you grow but the work itself is still on your side. Freedom offers help in sponsorships and have music companies and such for you too use. Besides that being active on the community might help in gaining tips on how to grow and collaboration is a good way.