PlayStation Free 1000$ CoD League: Need Teammates!

Illusional Gaming

Active Member
Freedom! Member
Nov 2, 2014
Hey everyone! I need a team for Black Ops 3 on the PS4! Guys please make sure you have knowledge of the game and some sort of skill! I will be playing with everyone who replies and see who's the best of the best. I'm only looking for skill and personality. I'd like to team with fellow YouTubers and Streamers as well because then we can grow rapidly. Streaming and YouTube isn't a must, but I assume most of you do both or either. You guys can let me know by tweeting me on twitter @andttias for an immediate response. I'm not the most active on these forums so hit me up on twitter. Also, if you're not interested or are I'd appreciate if you RT this tweet: Please let me know if anyone is interested in teaming.[DOUBLEPOST=1447092284][/DOUBLEPOST]Anyone interested in this?^^
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