Gaming FortniteTBH Here to Takeover ;)


New User
Jun 5, 2018
Hey everyone!

Well according to the title I'm here to takeover.. well not really, however, I'm here to dominate the YouTube scene and prove to everyone how easy it is to grow even starting from literally NOTHING! I was looking everywhere for any communities to join and I came across this one so I am here to stay and spread my knowledge!

A little bit about myself I'm 19 and currently reside in the United States. Since I was younger I've had a dream of starting up a big community channel and having the ability to get together a bunch of viewers and have lots of fun making videos & even meeting a whole bunch of new people. I really like the whole idea behind YouTube and the way it works. I've been fascinated since I was a kid playing RuneScape back in the good days on the internet haha! I really do hope to make it somewhere with this channel and be able to help others on the journey.

If anyone has any questions or would like to get to know me, feel free to contact me!