Request feedback on new video

Dana Vaneck

Respected User
Freedom! Member
hey guys just uploaded my new infinite warfare beta video if you have some time can you watch it and tell me if i need to work on my commentary im not super confident and im trying to improve it would mean alot thank you

Fair Player

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Starting off the gameplay was okay, it was from a recent and relevant game so thumbs up for that
The commentary is good but it could be better, im sure you will get a hang of it in the next vídeos
Your enthusiasm and flow is really great for youtube
Overall the vídeo was good, keep it up
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Rising User
Freedom! Member
Great video! Commentary was good but some work is needed there. I suggest to practice not saying filler words (um,uh) but those tend to come out after you get a little more used to commentary. Lastly, I would plan out some things to talk about in the video. Since it's a beta you can talk about topics such as what are some of the good aspects of the game and what are some of the bad. Maybe even talk about some more of the guns and is one gun to OP which is usually common in COD. You touch on a little in both of those topics but I feel you could have been more in depth with it. Before some of your next videos just brainstorm! Take a notepad and a pen/pencil and just write down topics that may relate to that certain game or topics that you may find interesting and ask your viewers what they think about that topic. A simple "leave a comment and let me know what you guys think about some of the new mechanics in Infinite Warfare" can spark an interest in your viewers. Be sure to read through your comments and reply to them, it will give the viewers a reason to come back to your videos because they want to see what you replied to them! Last thing I would like to add is that you sounded like you faded in and out a little with your voice like you getting further away but that may have just been me! Hopefully my constructive criticism helps and all in all I would watch your videos any day of the week! Keep up the good work!
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Respected User
Freedom! Member
Pretty good video for your first time, you should try and avoid words like "umm and uhh" but definitely impressive for your first time, good luck with your channel :)


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Great video! Like previously mentioned, you want to avoid filler words and it will become easier over time. Also, look into edited audio with something like audacity. It helps in removing filler words, coughs, etc. and improves flow throughout your commentary!