Gaming FaithDragon's "Highlights" Series


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jun 22, 2014
So a while ago, I started a highlights series where I took some recording sessions I did with friends and cut them down to 10-15 minute videos highlighting the best parts of those recording sessions, and I figured it was about time I started sharing them all with you guys.

I'm currently uploading these once a week, as I currently do not possess the free time to make more than 1 of these a week due to how long they take to make.

Overwatch Highlights:
Playlist link to watch them all so far:

Emus, Seppuku & Surprise Reinhardt - Overwatch Highlights #01

Suicidal Tracer, Hanzo Madness & Insta-Defeat - Overwatch Highlights #02

Edgy Sombra & Broken English - Overwatch Highlights #03

Everybody hates Bastion & Girl Powers - Overwatch Highlights #04

Anime & Bad Ideas - Overwatch Highlights #05

If you have any comments or criticism about these videos, feel free to leave a comment either on the video, or respond to this thread, I'll take any honest criticism to heart and do my best to improve![DOUBLEPOST=1487545394][/DOUBLEPOST]

Got my 5th Overwatch Highlights video out! :D
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