Network Don't JUST Cater To Gaming Channels


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jul 31, 2015
In my opinion, Freedom! (and Youtube in general, but I can't help that) seems to primarily focus on gaming channels. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure gaming channels are great (must be why everyone and their mother is making one), but it'd be great if Freedom! had sponsorships that weren't centered around gaming.

What's a filmmaker on Youtube gonna do with the sponsorships we currently have? They don't relate to the more creative side of Youtube!

So, in short, though it seems that most of YouTube is just gaming channels, that's not all we are. Freedom! would be awesome if they would represent all of us.


My Channel

Fourth Wall Games

A Sarcastic Brit
Aug 17, 2014
London, UK
They do currently represent everyone, but when one thing is vastly more popular / there is more of it, it will always seem that something is favoured, even when it isn't.

Freedom! and YouTube do not discriminate against non gaming channels and every channel retrieves the same support.

It isn't up to Freedom! which companies wish to work with them and offer the sponsorship, Freedom! have in the past approached companies but the only ones currently working with Freedom! are in the gaming sector.