Request Does anyone want to review my Gaming channel?

Mike Drago

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jun 22, 2017
Hello everyone, thank you for clicking on this forum.

Today I wanted to ask everyone to review my channel page and my channel in general. I have made 52 videos and I am on 23 subscribers as of writing this Forum. My cousin who I collaborate with quite a lot has 50 videos with 25 subscribers. I have made all the channel art and thumbnails for both channels myself (He's young and wanted my help in doing his own) and some feed back would be much appreciated. If you don't know what to look for, here are some sample questions to help:

At a glance, is it clear what I'm doing on my channel?

is it clear the type of content I am creating?

is it clear the value I am offering people?

Is everything easy to understand?

Is everything easy to read?

Is my channel layout easy to follow?

Is my channel worth watching and Subscribing too?

And finally, does it look like I put the effort into making my channel look nice, colourful, eye catching?

Thank you for your time and I hope to hear from you soon.
Here is my channel link in case the other doesn't work:


Renowned User
Freedom! Member
Jan 18, 2016
Toronto, Ontario
hey man, Here are my thoughts on the channel

- The channel art as actually really nice and does provide an input of what your channel covers. It's busy and simplistic at the same time so good work.
- I do recommend a channel trailer. Being someone who's come to your channel, i rather watch a 2-3 minute video on what your channel's about rather than a 20+ minute video. So if possible, I would throw one together.
- Your quality & audio are great, nothing really to suggest there.
- In your About tab, I would recommend putting in an email, in case others want to reach out to you in a professional manner.
- Your thumbnails are nice and they give visual appeal as this is your brand. So very well done. I do like the different user icon depending on who's gonna be in the video.
- You have a decent playlist as well.
- You're utilizing your tags which is good, but maybe add a few that surround your name. Like "Mike Drago Overwatch stream" something like that. So if someone searches your name, it gets a better search result.

All in all you're doing a good job man. Just make sure to share your content and get it out there.

Mike Drago

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jun 22, 2017
Thank you for the tips :) I work on my own channel and my Cousins channel so I am at the moment trying to make them seem a little different ( We currently have the same Thumbnails ) I have added a personal email address to my YouTube and I am planning on going over tags :) so thank you for the advice.


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Oct 8, 2014
Hi Mike Drago!

Hi Mike, I had a quick look at your channel, hope this helps!


Great thumbnails, great banner! Eye-catching and clear!

Channel information:

• I would edit the 'About' section. Make it personal, yes, but focus it on this channel. Mentioning other channels you're working on, or helping out with, takes the reader away from what they want to know; which is: "what is this channel about?"

• Make sure you do a quick spelling and grammar check. Have a friend read it for you! :)


• Your content is consistent, with good audio and sound. It's crisp clear and easy to listen to.

• You have a voice that is nice to listen to, and your narrative is pretty engaging.

• Will I subscribe: Unfortunately no. The reason being, at the moment, your channel is a little generic for what it is. But I'm sure as you keep growing and find a niche you'll start to stand more out from the crowd :)

And that's it. Good luck with your channel, it's shaping up to be a good one!

Mike Drago

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jun 22, 2017
Thank you :) I recently updated the About section and wasn't too happy with it so I am glad you noticed that too. Thank you for the compliment, I did it all myself. I hope to see you on my channel in the future then :)
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Traf Plays

Respected User
Freedom! Member
Apr 10, 2016
At a glance, is it clear what I'm doing on my channel? Yes

is it clear the type of content I am creating? Yes

is it clear the value I am offering people? Yes

Is everything easy to understand? Yes

Is everything easy to read? Yes

Is my channel layout easy to follow? Yes

Is my channel worth watching and Subscribing too? Somewhat, the MIC may need to be upgraded tbh. Subbed though :)

And finally, does it look like I put the effort into making my channel look nice, colourful, eye catching? Yes, great channel art, great thumbnails

Mike Drago

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jun 22, 2017
Thank you all :) I have taken your advice to heart and made the necessary changes. @Traf Plays if you check out my recent 3 videos that that problem has been sorted. It was made aware to myself that my Pc could be heard in the background so I took steps to prevent that.