Do shout-outs bother you?


Devourer of Cake + Crumpets.
Freedom! Member
May 8, 2014
Do shout-outs bother you?

Shout-out threads tend to get very popular these days. The idea of helping out a small channel doesn't phase me, I actually encourage it. I've been feeling lately, that people use it as a front to get subscribers easier. This doesn't concern every person that does shout-outs. I want to bring attention to the unethical practices of the other archetype. There are just an increasing number of people that abuse this system. Almost like a fake get-rich quick scheme.

What do you guys think? I feel that having the requirement of watching the video, liking a minimum of 1-2 videos, commenting on the video, and subscribing for just a chance to be featured, is over the top.

(Last note, I was to make it clear for sure, I love people that help out others. I dislike people that act like they're helping people with shady tactics, unknowingly)

Ryan Sutilla

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jan 11, 2016
Menomonee Fall, WI
Those shout out channels are a joke. Like, comment, subscribe, and stay active and maybe I will shout you out. I was told this by one of my buddies who is a large channel. Shout outs only lead to dead subs and a number that isn't true. They may watch you that day but what happens tomorrow when you post. Your long forgotten.


Devourer of Cake + Crumpets.
Freedom! Member
May 8, 2014
Those shout out channels are a joke. Like, comment, subscribe, and stay active and maybe I will shout you out. I was told this by one of my buddies who is a large channel. Shout outs only lead to dead subs and a number that isn't true. They may watch you that day but what happens tomorrow when you post. Your long forgotten.
It's surprising that a lot of channels do it lately. The worst is not knowing their real intentions, because it's the norm now. Dead subs are lame to have, especially when you're starting out. People tend to do that on occasion for freedom, but they'll learn in time that it's better to communicate, instead of hoping for a follow back in return.

The Gaming Heretic

Well-Known User
Aug 1, 2014
I think that shout outs, when used effectively, are great. It seems like it needs to be sparing and needs to be pointed with reason. For instance, when TGN tries to share users via their automated twitter bot, it rarely gets people to join. George points out channels and it also yields few results. However, bigger channels that don't give shout outs and happen to point out a channel every blue moon? It seems like over night success.

Shout outs are great, when used appropriately. Otherwise, kind of like you are saying Matt.. It comes off just for subs and it's not very effective.

Phil Kidd

Human Person
Freedom! Member
Dec 10, 2014
Do shout-outs bother you?

Shout-out threads tend to get very popular these days. The idea of helping out a small channel doesn't phase me, I actually encourage it. I've been feeling lately, that people use it as a front to get subscribers easier. This doesn't concern every person that does shout-outs. I want to bring attention to the unethical practices of the other archetype. There are just an increasing number of people that abuse this system. Almost like a fake get-rich quick scheme.

What do you guys think? I feel that having the requirement of watching the video, liking a minimum of 1-2 videos, commenting on the video, and subscribing for just a chance to be featured, is over the top.

(Last note, I was to make it clear for sure, I love people that help out others. I dislike people that act like they're helping people with shady tactics, unknowingly)
It does bother me, mainly for the reasons that you state. That, and I see people giving shoutouts without any regard for the quality of the channel they are shamelessly promoting. Promoting 10 channels every week really lowers the value of the shoutouts, especially when they are shouting out any channel that subs to them.
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Devourer of Cake + Crumpets.
Freedom! Member
May 8, 2014
I think that shout outs, when used effectively, are great. It seems like it needs to be sparing and needs to be pointed with reason. For instance, when TGN tries to share users via their automated twitter bot, it rarely gets people to join. George points out channels and it also yields few results. However, bigger channels that don't give shout outs and happen to point out a channel every blue moon? It seems like over night success.

Shout outs are great, when used appropriately. Otherwise, kind of like you are saying Matt.. It comes off just for subs and it's not very effective.
Yeah, there are merits to using shout-outs. But when people decide to shout out others when they don't have a following themselves, it can be self-defeating.
Shout outs are cool to help a friend or a channel you like, as long as people don't beg for it. It's something you don't ask for or try to get, it should just happen out of the kindness of our hearts.
Kindness is where it should lie. The whole "Give me stuff in return, and I can help you out maybe with getting attention", is ludicrous
I say instead of shout outs do a collab with each other. That way both parties are putting in the work and reaping the benefits.
I'd prefer people to actually talk with them beforehand. Possibly bring them on a show/series, and to definitely collaborate, that would be fantastic.
It does bother me, mainly for the reasons that you state. That, and I see people giving shoutouts without any regard for the quality of the channel they are shamelessly promoting. Promoting 10 channels every week really lowers the value of the shoutouts, especially when they are shouting out any channel that subs to them.
It gets over-saturated to a point people don't watch it to learn about others anymore. In the right hands, shout-outs have a chance of making a difference for the person that tries extremely hard.

I appreciate everyone's insight on the matter, this has been going on for quite a while.


Renowned User
Freedom! Member
Apr 13, 2014
Where the sun doesn't shine
It all depends on the person's intention on giving a shout out. If their intention was to help other smaller channels, having little to no requirements to join and shouting out the ones who deserve it the most, then they're on the right track. If their intention was to gain more subscribers, requires people to subscribe to their channel or be active on it and shouts out everyone who does it, then these guys aren't doing it effectively.

In the long run, their "subscribers" won't even bother going to check out the channels that were shouted out as they're only interested in seeing their channel being shouted out. They're going to be temporary subscribers where they're only active on the channel until their channel comes up in the shout out series.


Devourer of Cake + Crumpets.
Freedom! Member
May 8, 2014
It all depends on the person's intention on giving a shout out. If their intention was to help other smaller channels, having little to no requirements to join and shouting out the ones who deserve it the most, then they're on the right track. If their intention was to gain more subscribers, requires people to subscribe to their channel or be active on it and shouts out everyone who does it, then these guys aren't doing it effectively.

In the long run, their "subscribers" won't even bother going to check out the channels that were shouted out as they're only interested in seeing their channel being shouted out. They're going to be temporary subscribers where they're only active on the channel until their channel comes up in the shout out series.
It's easier to tell where somebodies intention lies, mainly in their post history, and the content of the post. Having no requirements should be best, or at the very least, it shouldn't benefit the person doing the shout-outs. Checking for quality people to feature would be a priority, and to understand if the person is worth featuring. Dead subs really ruin channels, and too many people are focused on the numbers lately.
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Mythic User
I think the only time shoutouts are good, are when the channel giving them genuinely likes that channel and may have used or learnt something from them. So say if you bought a new keyboard because you saw a review from a channel. Then you could say a shoutout to channel 'x', because I bought this keyboard after seeing your review. Then also include a link to their channel or something like that.

Just saying a channels name for no reason will give them no views at all. I believe there are quite a few channels that would like to help out smaller channels with no intention of gaining subs themselves, it's just they don't really know any other way to help them out.

I know there is a bit of this going on in the collab section, unfortunately we can't just say this person is doing this for the wrong reasons because we can never really be sure. If they are requiring subs/likes for the shoutout their thread will be closed though.


Devourer of Cake + Crumpets.
Freedom! Member
May 8, 2014
I think the only time shoutouts are good, are when the channel giving them genuinely likes that channel and may have used or learnt something from them. So say if you bought a new keyboard because you saw a review from a channel. Then you could say a shoutout to channel 'x', because I bought this keyboard after seeing your review. Then also include a link to their channel or something like that.

Just saying a channels name for no reason will give them no views at all. I believe there are quite a few channels that would like to help out smaller channels with no intention of gaining subs themselves, it's just they don't really know any other way to help them out.

I know there is a bit of this going on in the collab section, unfortunately we can't just say this person is doing this for the wrong reasons because we can never really be sure. If they are requiring subs/likes for the shoutout their thread will be closed though.
I honestly feel that there are people out there that want to help other people out. I like the idea when people get to know them first, or talk with them beforehand. Featuring a stranger you don't know is nice, but a little input would be nice to hear. I've been thinking of different methods that would work with featuring people, but research should be mandatory!

People tend to do the easier thing. I know that let's plays are popular because everyone thinks they can stand out with it, granted there are people out there that do that job perfect already. To stand up against a giant is hard, and thoughts need to be considered.

I'm glad that we can report people if they require subs, or likes.
If somebody wants to give someone a shout out because the content is somewhat similar to theirs so the audience the person giving the shout out has actually has some interest in the person he's shouting out go right ahead.

Using a subscribe, like and comment system to gain dead subscribers to shout out channels to make a quick buck is quite crap and honestly, shouldn't be a thing on YouTube.
That's what I'm okay with. Just not the whole comment/subscribe nonsense. Blankets can only fool people for so long, and when they get uncovered, they'll just walk away.
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