Gaming Creating a YouTube Group To Collaborate


Rising User
Jan 4, 2015
I am going to be doing some videos consisting of multiple people, which is where you guys hopefully come in. I used to have a Youtube group a few years ago of friends that I was close with but after everyone's lives started moving forward and splitting off I haven't been able to form another one. I am hoping to get this going ASAP so if you would be interested in joining a group that is great at commentary, having fun, making and playing jokes, love making content, and all around has a great time, let me know by posting below your channels, what games you have and subscribers. I want to try to find people that have at least over 100 subscribers but lower sub counts aren't discarded either so let me know:) Also if you have any good ideas of games that you think would be funny to record please let me know. There is not a bad idea that you guys can come up with. These games will be played on a PC so if you have a good enough PC or laptop that can allow you to game let me know:)