Tips & Tricks Contacting Freedom! Support through the *new new* ticketing system [GUIDE]


Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
Hello Freedom!
I've just noticed today that the Support system has been reworked and moved to a different system.

Who knows when @Koala_Steamed will update the thread about Support in the Support section, but this thread will guide you until he will, no worries :)

How to use the new Ticketing System:
  • Go to
  • Press Submit Request on top of the page:
  • Fill out the form
You will receive a reply in your Emails. Please note that some requests may take longer than others.

You can also Email [email protected] instead if you don't want to use this.

How do I contact Freedom! Support now and what has changed?
So before you had to log in and post a ticket and get into confusion and scream loudly.
Now you are met with an easy Website. has been tuned into and has gotten a full rework.
The old site looked like this: (You had to log in and stuff and things, eww confusing)

The new site, on the other hand looks like this:

No, but seriously, this is a huge improvement. You now are automatically logged in to your Freedom! Account, which will allow them to identify you without spam.

So how do I use this shiny thing you may ask?
Well it's simple:
You go here (click)
You go here:

You fill out the form and click done. Your reply will come in at your Email Inbox soon.

(Thread not posted like this because I was rambling and am just way too excited over this change.)
Ending this on a Discord DM with a Freedom! Staff member's agitation over the old system which happened a while ago. Please don't try thinking of who it was. Just thought it was funny.