Service Channel/Video Review (Free obviously)


Your Average Gamer!
Freedom! Member
Oct 11, 2014
I can't always promise that I can do a whole lot of channels in one fell swoop, but if I have time, I am willing to do a review of your channel/most recent video for feedback. I am honest with my opinion and blunt so if you don't want criticism, then I wouldn't recommend asking for my opinion. I don't want to be like some people who require folks to look at their channel or what ever for their time, my stuff is linked below and if you are board while waiting on a review, feel free to click it and maybe be entertained, if not, I promise I won't go running to my room and cry. I will try to get as much done as I can as fast as I can so bare with me and it will be a first come first serve sorta thing.

Let me know if its a channel review or video review along with links and I will do what I can. If you disagree with my opinion, that is fine and my inbox is always open to discuss there. I'd rather keep clutter out of the thread as best as humanly possible. Thank you to everyone and hopefully everyone has a good day/night and that I can be of some service to you.

Completed Reviews

Reviews Needed to be Completed
Last edited:


Active Member
Freedom! Member
May 29, 2016
I'm always looking for feedback/ criticism so go ham (Dm me what you think)
And just so you know I have been away for the past couple of months doing exams etc.
I'm happy with the look of my channel and so would prefer video criticism, just either of my two most recent videos would be great :D


Your Average Gamer!
Freedom! Member
Oct 11, 2014
I'm always looking for feedback/ criticism so go ham (Dm me what you think)
And just so you know I have been away for the past couple of months doing exams etc.
I'm happy with the look of my channel and so would prefer video criticism, just either of my two most recent videos would be great :D

Sounds good. I typically like to watch and type at the same time so I get my thoughts across in an easy manor than watching and trying to remember all the things at once.

First impressions

I like your YT banner and all that. Thumbnails are simple and easy to figure out what it is you are doing which is nice and makes my life easier.

Watching your I am Iron Man video

You are a bit quiet which means I need to raise my volume which isn't the worst thing but I know not everyone is a fan of quiet commentaries. I had considered playing Just Cause 3 but never got around to it because of how many games are just out now, its almost crazy so this is about the first time I have seen any actual game play of the game itself. There are points where I hear you with good clarity, and then there are times where you just get too quiet to actually hear, almost like you mumble a little bit? I know that problem sucks because I deal with similar issues as well. I do want to say thank you for not over doing the sound effects and graphics. Some people do way too much with that and it gets dreadfully annoying.

I think overall what you are doing is good. Episodes might be a little on the long side (something I struggle with as well. Just cut 5 minutes out of my newest overwatch video >.>) so maybe cut some stuff out or shorten it a little bit. Only real issue I had with your video is the volume of the commentary and not always being clear and articulate with what you are saying. Kinda like a run on sentence that just gets quieter and quieter as you go is what it reminds me of. Keep up the good work and hopefully those subscriber numbers start working their way up! Sorry it's not super in depth, I just didn't have a lot in the way of issues.


Good graphics
Good game play footage
Mostly clear commentary
Quiet voice
Commentary trailing off at points
Maybe cut down length of videos

Hope that helps to some degree and hope for continued success for you!
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Active Member
Freedom! Member
May 29, 2016
Sounds good. I typically like to watch and type at the same time so I get my thoughts across in an easy manor than watching and trying to remember all the things at once.

First impressions

I like your YT banner and all that. Thumbnails are simple and easy to figure out what it is you are doing which is nice and makes my life easier.

Watching your I am Iron Man video

You are a bit quiet which means I need to raise my volume which isn't the worst thing but I know not everyone is a fan of quiet commentaries. I had considered playing Just Cause 3 but never got around to it because of how many games are just out now, its almost crazy so this is about the first time I have seen any actual game play of the game itself. There are points where I hear you with good clarity, and then there are times where you just get too quiet to actually hear, almost like you mumble a little bit? I know that problem sucks because I deal with similar issues as well. I do want to say thank you for not over doing the sound effects and graphics. Some people do way too much with that and it gets dreadfully annoying.

I think overall what you are doing is good. Episodes might be a little on the long side (something I struggle with as well. Just cut 5 minutes out of my newest overwatch video >.>) so maybe cut some stuff out or shorten it a little bit. Only real issue I had with your video is the volume of the commentary and not always being clear and articulate with what you are saying. Kinda like a run on sentence that just gets quieter and quieter as you go is what it reminds me of. Keep up the good work and hopefully those subscriber numbers start working their way up! Sorry it's not super in depth, I just didn't have a lot in the way of issues.


Good graphics
Good game play footage
Mostly clear commentary
Quiet voice
Commentary trailing off at points
Maybe cut down length of videos

Hope that helps to some degree and hope for continued success for you!
That's great thanks,
I know my voice is fairly quiet, and am working on that


Your Average Gamer!
Freedom! Member
Oct 11, 2014
I would love a channel review! I value opinions a lot and I would love to hear yours!

Same thing with the first one, I typically watch and type at the same time so I don't lose a lot in translation with things.

First thing I noticed was the banner for your channel. For some reason, I almost assumed that since you deal in graphics, that there would be more to it, but at the same time, you know what you are doing (I assume) and have it exactly how you want it. I would like to see more color personally because it is a lot of white, but again, that one is totally up to you and your taste so I won't judge on that.

Watching the Pop out call of duty banner video. I do seem to enjoy the music choice so kudos on that. I don't know jack about Photoshop other than the absolute basics (Lost my copy when I had to deal with computer issues, now I just have sucks) so watching this is actually pretty cool since I don't know what I am doing in the first place. I wish I could do stuff like that because my channel needs new art in a bad way so its a really cool skill to have. I can't imagine that I am going to have a lot to criticize because its pretty much just watching you create things. Now, if you did tutorials and what not that involved commentary and teaching people how to do cool stuff in Photoshop, that would be a pretty cool idea.

In general, I think its a pretty cool concept honestly at least for me, because I lack talent and creativity so seeing what other people can do with stuff like this and in a short time and the fact that it supersedes anything I could have done is always impressive. Keep up the awesome work and maybe if you ever consider doing tutorials and what not, I imagine you could bring in a different set of viewers with everything as well but that one is obviously up to you. I like it all and am impressed so I'm sorry I really don't have a lot negative to say (good thing of course). Just keep making awesome stuff and it was pretty cool to see how everything comes together.
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Distinguished User
Freedom! Member
May 8, 2014
I would love to get a review of my channel and u know how the commentary is and all of that because I guess some people believe that I am boring and also as my views are not much for some reason so I wanted to know what is wrong with my channel


Graphic Designer
Freedom! Member
Feb 20, 2015
Same thing with the first one, I typically watch and type at the same time so I don't lose a lot in translation with things.

First thing I noticed was the banner for your channel. For some reason, I almost assumed that since you deal in graphics, that there would be more to it, but at the same time, you know what you are doing (I assume) and have it exactly how you want it. I would like to see more color personally because it is a lot of white, but again, that one is totally up to you and your taste so I won't judge on that.

Watching the Pop out call of duty banner video. I do seem to enjoy the music choice so kudos on that. I don't know jack about Photoshop other than the absolute basics (Lost my copy when I had to deal with computer issues, now I just have sucks) so watching this is actually pretty cool since I don't know what I am doing in the first place. I wish I could do stuff like that because my channel needs new art in a bad way so its a really cool skill to have. I can't imagine that I am going to have a lot to criticize because its pretty much just watching you create things. Now, if you did tutorials and what not that involved commentary and teaching people how to do cool stuff in Photoshop, that would be a pretty cool idea.

In general, I think its a pretty cool concept honestly at least for me, because I lack talent and creativity so seeing what other people can do with stuff like this and in a short time and the fact that it supersedes anything I could have done is always impressive. Keep up the awesome work and maybe if you ever consider doing tutorials and what not, I imagine you could bring in a different set of viewers with everything as well but that one is obviously up to you. I like it all and am impressed so I'm sorry I really don't have a lot negative to say (good thing of course). Just keep making awesome stuff and it was pretty cool to see how everything comes together.

Thanks for taking time to give me a review! I strive to make content that there are no negatives to. It is not always possible but it is what keeps me going! I am so busy making other people banners that I don't have time to make myself a proper banner. I do agree that mine is a bit simple but I tried to make it simple in a good way for the time being. Choosing the music is the most fun and worst part at the same time, but I feel that it pays off in the end! I might try doing some tutorials pretty soon but I have no idea what to do them on! If you have any ideas feel free to let me know :) Thanks again and good luck with your YouTube channel!


Your Average Gamer!
Freedom! Member
Oct 11, 2014
To anyone else that has requested a review, I will get to work on those shortly. Fathers day was a busy day and all that so if I don't manage tonight, I should be able to get things rolling again tomorrow. I will keep note in the first post of who I have completed and who has yet to receive what they have asked for.