Solved Catch Already Paid?...

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Rising User
Freedom! Member
May 1, 2017
Made a catch up request as have had problems with PayPal so have received no money over the last 6 months I have been partnered with Freedom!

I checked my Freedom! dashboard and it states that Catch-Up has already been paid 2 days ago...

There is nothing in my paypal balance at all?...

What's going on Freedom?

Edit: Sorry title is meant to say 'Catch-Up'

zeke morgan

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Dec 8, 2015
Just thought I would add something quickly -

Sorry to reopen the thread, but don't forget that if you haven't received money from Freedom before via Paypal then you may need to log into your Paypal account and accept this. Also it may have gone into your pending balance, so basically held until you confirm that this isn't a accidental transaction.

If this is pending / needing to be accepted you just need to log into your Paypal dashboard, and it should show up their, or if not follow the link in any of the payment emails Freedom would have sent during the past 6 months and you should be able to then accept it.

I shall keep the thread open for now, so if you have any questions or queries feel free to respond to this thread :)
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