
Rising User
May 30, 2016
I know this is the forum equiv of subtweeting but I have to get this out there. I just watched a guy GO OFF because his channel wasn't growing after a month and he blamed Freedom... I'm probably not pointing this message at you (this is a rant at a guy named Carl) but DAMNIT i'm sure this might be what some people need to hear to wake up and start examining the value they offer their subscribers!

I've been around the YouTube scene for YEARS I've seen and done a lot. I see kids like you all the time, thinking they can make it big on YouTube by doing nothing more than uploading their boring gaming videos, or their boring unboxing videos, or their boring vlogs where they stare into the camera and talk endlessly about nothing of interest.

Content is king.
That is, good QUALITY content is king...

You can do everything else right -- release schedule, SEO, promotions... but none of it matters unless your videos are actually something that people want to WATCH.

Looks like you've got a gaming channel on YouTube. Congratulations: you're in a completely saturated market - one of tens, probably hundreds of thousands of other gaming channels which are exactly the same: Recorded gameplay with live commentary. Little to no editing. Come back tomorrow for part 7/30.

I can scarcely imagine a more low-effort way to make YouTube videos.

Your problem is that you have nothing UNIQUE to offer.
Imagine if you were the ONLY YouTube channel with Batman Arkham City gameplay. Now THAT would be unique. But you're not. so why are people watching the other channels, like the Yogscast or PewDiePie?

Lots of reasons, but a lot of it has to do with personality. PewDiePie may be annoying to some, but he's INTERESTING, FUNNY, and ENGAGING to his target audience. That's why they started watching, and why they keep watching. There's a human connection on top of the videos subject themselves.

Same thing for Lewis and Simon. They play off each other extremely well. There have a great friendship, and you feel like they're YOUR friends when you watch.

Also, another huge thing of importance: These people are GENUINE. They're not pretending to be anyone else. Look at how genuine the VlogBrothersare, and then check out the SuperCarlinBrothers- a clear knock-off. A counterfeit. A phony. The host(s?) are obviously trying to be someone they're not. That upbeat personality and snappy editing DO NOT FIT because they've been pillaged from somewhere else. Reminds me of this image.

You're going about it backwards. The trick is not to copy the RESULTS of people who are successful. The trick is to copy their PROCESS. Do that, and you'll end up somewhere else, in your own unique niche, with your own audience. You probably won't end up with another damn gaming channel.
You started a gaming channel on YouTube because you saw the OTHER gaming channels on YouTube, and you thought, "Hey! That looks easy! And look at how much money these guys are making! I like to game! I can do that!"

No. Look at how these people STARTED. Go and look at their first videos. Study them. Look into their HISTORY. They didn't seek out to make money. They were just having fun, or doing their normal jobs, with a channel on the side.
The Vlogbrothers were just messing around and sending funny videos to each other.

Lewis and Simon were just playing Minecraft together for its own sake, just as they used to play WOW together. Only, this time, they just hit the record button.
The Cinemassacre guy was just making short films like he always had. Most of them failed to engage an audience, but his Angry Videogame Nerd video really struck a chord with people. Now, that's what he does. Watch this video if you want an amazing run-down of his process:
For you, maybe the answer isn't to make gaming videos on YouTube. Like, maybe you're really passionate about kites. Make videos about that! Don't laugh - this guy's slingshot channel is amazing:

Hell, maybe you shouldn't be making videos at all. Maybe there's something else you're a lot better at, and you don't even know it yet.

Find yourself a good process. Go, read books written by successful people about "how I did it." This **** has already been figured out! People are just giving the information away! Go get it!