Forums [BUG] Please fully roll back the NaA Reply Design.


Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
As we all remember, a past Forum Update included an overhaul to how the replies in News And Announcements looked. That change was not received well by Community Feedback so it was rolled back a bit.

Or so I thought. When replying you still get that look on the newly posted reply until you refresh the page. That annoyed me to hell and back but I didn't want to post it here until now.

Because I just realized how badly this makes Quotes look. These are outright broken. Take a look:

Now I don't know if that's just me but that thing is every HTML mistake in one design.
  • White bar on the left
  • Screen tearing-ish looking background
  • Overflowing rules all messed up
  • aargh
Edit before posting: No, it isn't an extension or Userscript even though I had one running in the above screenshot. I can repro this without my fancy userscriptery as well.

The issue here is the inconsistency. You need to reload the page when posting a thread in order to see it the way everyone else sees it. Your post will look broken and formatted terribly after you've posted it making you think what on earth you did wrong. Is there a way to undo that happening?
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