PC Black ops 2/3 zombies collab (steam)

Jul 22, 2015
I am looking for someone to collab with on either Black Ops 2 Zombies or Black Ops 3 zombies.
Please at least be able to have 30 fps minimum on black ops and have a good internet connection.
I am able to do the video on monday, tuesday, thursday or friday.
My steam is XBuilder_BoyX
Please have a mic so we can voice chat.
We can use steam voice chat OR skype (but no in-game voice please)
We can play the default maps OR if you have the DLC we can play those maps (i have all of the DLC for bo2 and bo3 except for weapon skins) So the maps we can play are

Green-run (transit maps)
Buried (favorite map)
Mob of the Dead

Shadows of evil (favorite map)
The Giant
Der Eisendrache

We can also do multiplayer.

(I have every cod game with zombies in it so we can play WAW and BO1 if you want, i also have the dlc for those games as well. I bought the zombies cod pack on steam)