Be Amongst The First To Make Videos For An Upcoming Game!


Rising User
May 12, 2015
What is up ladies and gentlemen of the internet.
I am creating the soundtrack for an upcoming video game due to be released early next year on Steam.

The game is currently up for Greenlight so I have 2 things to ask of you.
First, click the link and vote yes! BUT not just that, there is a demo link near the top of the page, it could potentially be a great future view opportunity if you want to play it and make a video.,
There's not many videos on it yet and by creating them now, when the game finally launches and it starts getting more people checking it out, you'll be amongst the people at the top of the search results which could potentially help bring in more views for your channel :)

Would really appreciate the upvotes, literally every vote counts and could be the difference between success and failing